SEASONS; It’s Not a Feeling

What season are you in? It’s important to know what season you’re in, so that you can be prepared adequately not only for the current season but the season to come. As we have recently transitioned into fall, we can all attest that sometimes the season you’re in, may not necessarily feel accurate based on your past experience of that season. You may be dressed for one season in the morning and by the end of the day, it feels like a different season. This change in season can be frustrating because it makes you feel like you’re never prepared. That you’re ill equipped for life, actually like you don’t have clue about what’s going in your life. You feel like a stranger in your own world.

So though this may not be an entirely new concept I’m presenting today, I do think it necessary to shed light on the frustration of the seasons.  How confusing it can be when you feel like the season has taken you by surprise. Like you got into your car in the enclosed/covered garage and then you arrive to your destination and realize you need a WHOLE jacket. Anybody? Just me? Ok…

We often disregard our current season out of naivety, disbelief, or just simply “ignoring” it way. Neither of these are helpful nor beneficial for your process and therefore, your progress. ASSESS YOUR SEASON, SO YOU CAN POSSESS YOUR SEASON. Don’t allow the season to take you. We must acknowledge where we are to assess and to progress to where we’re going! 

 So today, if your season isn’t quite what you anticipated at this point of your life. Or if you’re season seems to be changing from morning to night, I want you to maybe consider…it’s not the season that’s shifting throughout the day, it’s your feelings, your thoughts, your perspectives. So how do we regulate and bring balance to the fluctuating thoughts that accompany the seasons of our lives. 

I want us also to be reminded that even though the season may feel inconsistent, we don’t have to allow that to be the place where we operate from. I am learning in this season, to pray for balanced thoughts, and emotions, that I remain, steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the Lord. That’s my prayer for you today. We can’t remain steadfast and unmovable if we’re constantly being shifted with the winds of the season.

 Acknowledge   the Season

 Acknowledging the season, isn’t you just simply accepting it, but being aware, vigilant, not in denial. Awareness allows you to be focused and not fearful. Disciplined and not discouraged. Acknowledgement is you saying God I know I’m in this season. How did I get here? What can I learn here? And how to function when I leave here? The answers to these questions are imperative if you desire to conquer this season triumphantly. This requires self-reflection and assessing. Nope, this is not all fluffy and coffee moments. This requires hard work and honesty. Honesty with yourself and possibly even others. Take a moment to answer these three questions:

  1. How did I get here?

  2. What can I learn here?

  3. And how do I function when I leave here?

Once these questions have been answered, we can proceed to the next step to conquering the season. Let’s take action, or rest depending on your season and your responses to the above questions.

Assess your Season, so that you can Possess your Season
— SK Gardner

Action in the Season

Let’s be honest, this may the more difficult, challenging for us. If we’re in a season that requires our action, we may be stomped on where to start. If our season, requires rest, we may find it difficult to sit still, to be quiet, so that we can hear from God.

If you’re a season of action. Step back, get clarity, and ensure you’re not leading with your emotions. There is a spiritual shift taking place in this season. Can you feel it?? We can not afford to lead with our feelings. Be sober, vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8 If you’re overly emotional, you can miss the moment of action, because your spirit and mind isn’t clear

Our emotions can swiftly lead us into another unprepared season and ready for the enemy’s taken… a nice piece of juicy steak. Emotions leave you open. The problem with that is, you can’t control what will come in when you’re open with emotion.

Go forth prepared if you’re in a season of action, but not with feelings and emotions.

If you’re in a season that requires for you to rest and you’re a busy body; you will most definitely find this difficult. Moving fast but moving nowhere. Girl, SIT DOWN! I know, you feel like you have to, you feel like you must, you feel like if you don’t, then who? Girl anybody but you! It’s ok, you don’t have to be the answer to every question. You don’t have to have a solution to every problem, and that’s ok. Sometimes, God wants you to rest, so that you can hear clearly the next assignment, the next move. We must quiet our thoughts and place our feelings under subjection to truly find rest in God. Not just rest, like getting sleep, but truly quieting our minds. I know…me too.

I often just sit wondering…what about this? What if I had done that?…blah blah blah, so on and so forth. It gets us no where, but further in our heads.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

We must be very careful and wise in how we prepare in this season. This season my have brought some unexpected weather changes, spiritual changes, mind changes, but assess the season, acknowledge, and decide what you’re action should be in this season. It feels unpredictable, and you feel unprepared, but you don’t have to be overcome in this season. Lean into it and learn the lessons it brings. You can weather this season.


SK Gardner



There’s Still Time

